Saturday, July 10, 2021

Where am I?

 The title of my blog, as well as entry, represents where I am physically, mentally, emotionally, and geographically. I am always searching for balance in my life, as I never am. The moments I do find it, there is the unmistakable feeling of peace and contentment, whether life is going well or poorly. As someone who suffers from major depressive disorder for part of the year (guess which part?), has had too many identity crises for a lifetime, and has had some interesting major good and bad life experiences, balance is key to my survival.  

Where am I right now? Physically, I have a stupid cough that won't go away after a couple months, and I feel fat. Mentally, I'm still in Chicago. I had a high of productivity and I was in a mentally great place being surrounded by good friends. I've been feeling a breakdown of that mental high since I've returned. Emotionally, I'm feeling some post-trip blues and fearing that I ended my meds prematurely. Geographically, I'm in my apartment in Washington, D.C. 

I feel like my subsequent posts will be a random eclectic assortment of whatever I want to write about. They will truly be  "this is where I am" moments.